On 06/13/2012 09:17 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
On Jun 13, 2012, at 2:52 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
On 06/13/2012 02:44 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> On Jun 13, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
>> On 06/13/2012 01:52 PM, Raluca Stavro wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Vincent
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:44 PM, Raluca Stavro wrote:
>>>>> I'm resending this mail by using the right subject pattern.
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am trying to upgrade an old XEM to 3.5.1.
>>>>>> In this XEM there are some custom panels which have been
>>>>>> to 2.0
>>>>>> syntax and contain code like this:
>>>>>> {{velocity}}
>>>>>> {{html}}
>>>>>> #panelheader("...")
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> #panelfooter()
>>>>>> {{/html}}
>>>>>> {{/velocity}}
Do the panels really need the {{html}} wrapper?
If no, then you must remove it.
If yes, then you should consider rewriting them using wiki syntax only,
then remove the {{html}} wrapper.
If you can't do that, then just move the wrapper inside the
You can do that automatically with a script.
Because since 2.7.2 panel macros were converted to 2.0 syntax, because
>>>>>> panel macros from inside
macros.vm were modified by calling
>>>>>> {{html}} wiki
>>>>>> macro and because we can't use nested {{html}} macros
>>>>>> wiki="true"
>>>>>> parameter, I don't know how to fix this issue besides
>>>>>> panel
>>>>> code.
I don't understand this. Are you saying that in macros.vm
uses {{html}}? That's not true, the panelheader/footer macros only use wiki
syntax, not {{html}}. The problem isn't that nested {{html}} macros don't
work, but that wiki syntax doesn't work in {{html}} without wiki="true".
This XEM has more than 70 wikis and this I can't just modify all custom
>>>>>> (converted to 2.0 syntax)
panels manually.
>>>>>> Is there a nice solution to this problem ?
>>>>> Idea 1:
>>>>> ======
>>>>> Add a new #panelheaderold macro in macros.vm and replace all calls
>>>>> of
>>>>> #panelheader to #panelheaderold in your panels (easy to do with a
>>>>> XWQL
>>>>> query and 3 lines of scripts).
>>>>> Slowy migrate panels to new syntax.
>>>>> Note:
>>>>> =====
>>>>> Actually in the future we need to add a new {{panel}} macro,
>>>>> something
>>>>> like:
>>>>> {{panel style=".." title="…"}}
>>>>> … content here …
>>>>> {{/panel}}
>>>>> Idea 2:
>>>>> ======
>>>>> Create a custom Panel wiki macro (give it a name other than
>>>>> "panel"!),
>>>>> search for:
>>>>> (use
>>>>> a regex)
>>>>> Replace with your panel macro.
>>>>> Should I open an issue on Jira ?
>>>>> Nope
>>>> So this means that none of the macros in macros.vm are API?
>>> Which means that there is no API to make a panel header consistent
>>> with the panel headers of the default panels?
>> Good point. Macros in macros.vm are supposed to be APIs and it means
>> we broke the backward compatibility at some point in the past (2.7 as
>> suggested by Raluca).
The macros still work for both xwiki/1.0 and xwiki/2.x panels. What
doesn't work is putting the whole panel content inside a {{html}} block,
without any wiki parsing.
The problem was that there was a misunderstanding of the macros behavior.
The macros were supposed to work well in wiki syntax. Initially, that meant
the only xwiki syntax, which did mix HTML with the rest of the wiki and
velocity syntax. When new wiki syntaxes were introduced and the macros were
updated, the behavior remained the same: the #panelheader/footer macros
work well in both xwiki/1.0 and xwiki/2.x syntaxes. But pure HTML isn't
really a wiki syntax. The fact that for a few releases the macros worked in
pure HTML embedded in an xwiki/2.0 document, but not directly in a
xwiki/2.0 document, was a bug, not a contract. Unfortunately some
developers did rely on this bug.
I wouldn't call it a bug, because if we do so, then we can argue that it's
a bug that has been there for at least one major cycle, and that macros.vm
is still not stable according to
we might still have "bugs" about it (and that is for about 2.5 major
cycles, which is a bit too much from my point of view).
What I would say about this is that apparently we don't know / have a
convention about how should the macros in macros.vm be used: with syntax
interpreted or not, in an html macro or not. This is where the confusion
comes from: while the old panelheader macro _needed_ html macro
(potentially with syntax activated), the current one needs _only wiki
syntax_ (potentially in an html macro). There is a context which satisfies
both (html macro with wiki syntax activated) but it was not documented
anywhere, I'm not even sure it is _the rule_ for macros in macros.vm, so
people used "what it worked", in this case a plain simple html macro whose
wiki parameter defaults to false.
The wysiwyg macros in macros.vm, for example, I would say they need to be
called in a html macro with syntax switched off, but it's just a guess,
looking at the code.
I think we need to:
1/ make a decision about what is API from macros.vm
2/ make a decision about what _was_ API from macros.vm and keep it working
as it used to
3/ document how an API macro should be used, either by having a rule or by
at least writing in its own documentation in macros.vm what context it
expects (note that even if we document it, if we cannot enforce it, chances
are that people will use "what it works"...)
To me, all these above are unclear and until they are, from how it feels
to me, it's very hard to call something a bug or a backwards compatibility
3.2 M1
bad bad…
Who was the RM? :)
>> We should probably have introduced new macros instead when we
>> introduced the conversion to 2.0 syntax.
>> Now since this is very old we need to decide what we want to do at
>> this point.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> Thanks,
>>> Anca
>>> So there is no other way to fix this issue but by modifying the code
>>>> inside
>>>> panels.
>>>> Thank you, Vincent.
>>>> Raluca.
>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -Vincent
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