Le 25 mars 2011 à 10:39, Vincent Massol a écrit :
Honestly, I
have a hard time to keep up with the maven versions...
I was somewhat more active at maven 1 and now maven 3 would be imposed me...
Well this is only if you need to build xwiki from sources and honestly installing maven
is so easy (takes exactly 1 minute last time I timed it!) that I can't see this as a
real blocker :)
Hence the +0.
Was it Curriki, I had bragged.
Note that maven3 is much better than the 2 and a lot
faster so you'll benefit ;)
Thanks for your feedback though.
I feel there's a use in staying at classics such as older maven or older ant. Everyone
knows them and you don't have to relearn.
But I am sure Thomas had arguments in favor of Maven3... he did not mention them.