Vincent Massol wrote:
What if we allow to configure (via xwiki.cfg.
"xwiki.store.rcs.fullpernodes" for example) per how many nodes to
store full version?
If we choose per 1 node, xwiki will store full document for each version.
If we choose per 0 node, xwiki will store only diffs.
This parameter will be 50 by default.
That is looking complex to me. I'd rather we implement a solution that
works without having to configure anything. That said I haven't followed
the discussion... Will catch up later.
If we decide to store full version by 10 nodes, I think reasonable allow
to configure it.
> I think it is best solution of choose full vs diff
and it is not to
> hard to implement. I'm implementing it now.
Implemented in XWIKI-1459-r4.patch :
Added possibility to store full xml version instead of diff.
By default full version storing per 4 diff (small for debuging yet).
xwiki.cfg configure option xwiki.store.rcs.nodesPerFull to configure
this value.
It is safe to change this parameter in any time.
Applied coding style to new files and some modified
Artem Melentyev