On 12/04/2012 01:10 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,
I'd like to propose that we stop shading Rendering Standalone. The reasons are:
1) It's far from perfect. For example we have at least 3 libs we cannot shade:
<!-- We don't relocate the following packages since they cause
runtime issues:
- javax.xml
- org.w3c
- org.apache.xerces
2) As we added some libs to our deps we forgot to relocate them so right now we don't
shade (to cite a few): com.steadystate.css, javax.validation, ant, aspectj, slf4j, etc
3) There are lots of resources coming from dependent jars and those are not shaded. For
283 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 javacc.class
286 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 jjdoc.class
235 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 jjtree.class
0 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 org/xwiki/shaded/javacc/
3783 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012
3693 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/CharStream.template
15990 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/JavaCharStream.template
867 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/MultiNode.template
1317 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/Node.template
5962 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/ParseException.template
12711 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/SimpleCharStream.template
3227 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/SimpleNode.template
4005 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/Token.template
368 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/TokenManager.template
4244 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 templates/TokenMgrError.template
48 Tue Dec 04 18:50:42 CET 2012 version.properties
So I'd like to keep a standalone distribution to make it easy to test XWiki Rendering
but without any shading.
Here's my +1
I believe that it will be a good idea to shade a few critical libraries
that are likely to appear in incompatible version, and which are known
to cause problems otherwise and which work fine when shaded. I did a
quick check on dependency:tree and there doesn't seem to be any such
library, but we've had such problems with rhino and asm in the
xwiki-platform, and even log4j when the container prefers to use its own
Sergiu Dumitriu