@Vincent : I agree with all your points, my feedback was more on that these
points may not be clear for contributors at first (at least, it wasn't for
me). My only little worry is that maybe it does not require the same level
of knowledge to merely create and publish a simple extension on
and to develop a maven module for it and release it to Nexus staging from
github, though it'd be better to have all extensions in a maven repository
(for flavors/bundles for example).
Additionnally, it seems that with the sample pom provided (for xar), I
always get the following error when trying to release:
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.1:enforce (enforce-javadoc-exists) @
xwiki-macro-tabs ---
[WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.EvaluateBeanshell
failed with message:
Couldn't evaluate condition: ("xar" != "jar") ||
("xar" == "jar" && new
I think maybe it's because of being on Windows (as show by the paths), that
would explain why you seem not to have this problem ;-)
It's easily workaround by skiping that enforcer rule, but it's kind of a
dirty workaround.
2013/3/3 Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Hi Jeremie,
On Feb 22, 2013, at 12:01 PM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <jeremie.bousquet(a)gmail.com>
Hi Vincent,
Very nice and welcome add :)
Just a small remark, maybe it's written somewhere else (or obvious
but if you have an extension that depends on
another extension that is
in a maven, but only in an xwiki repository, then
of course you can't
define this dependency in your pom.xml, and there is an additional step
after "import" from repository application, it is to manually add those
kind of dependencies.
Actually the only good solution for this is to never depend on an
extension that is not published in a maven repository.
If you do then you don't have a proper working build. I don't see how
you're able to write automated functional tests for your extension either
this way. So it means you have an incomplete build.
Thus the solution is to first publish the extension in a maven repository,
by creating a repo for it in xwiki-contrib and releasing it.
2013/2/22 Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> Hi guys,
> I've just added explanations on how to publish a contrib extension on
extensions.xwiki.org here:
> Hope it helps,
> -Vincent
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