It might sound silly but if there are no security requirements then there are no security
We all know when we see something which shouldn't happen but I don't think there
is any page
defining exactly what the security requirements are.
1. Users should not be able to spawn additional processes on the server.
2. Users should not be able to commit changes to the database except through the
saveDocument function.
3. Users should not be able to save documents without their name as the author or
contentAuthor as applicable.
4. Guests should not be able to execute server side script except that which was written
and saved by a user.
This list is doesn't cover much yet, I hope to see some additions and discussion of
may code may violate some
the rules as well as how we can have 'untrusted' code which is unable to violate
the rules.
I propose we put up a design page for maintenance of this list.