Jonas von Malottki wrote:
Hello Jerome,
yep that helps a lot. Also because the links are created in a Plugin,
which makes it no extra effort, to use xwiki builtin functions.
Furthermore it shouldn't be a problem to create a Macro that resolves
that Class to ClassTemplate relation and does the thing with less
Note that the "edit" link should only be written when the page is new,
otherwise a norma "view" link should be used. In the macro you could
write something like:
#macro(printCustomLink $targetDocName $templateName)
#set($targetDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($targetDoc))
#set($targetUrl = $targetDoc.getURL("inline",
#set($targetUrl = $targetDoc.getURL())
<a href="$targetUrl">$targetDoc.displayTitle</a>
Jerome Velociter wrote:
> Hello Jonas,
> As for now, you can only create a link to a page of class Apple (I
> understand by that a page that contains a object of the apple class and
> that includes its content from a page that knows how to display apple
> documents, i.e. XWiki.AppleClassSheet) by writing the link yourself : <a
> link</a> for instance.
> In the future (couple of months a priori), we plan to support custom wiki
> links which will allow users to chose the type (class) of page they want
> to write when clicking such a "natural wiki link" with question mark.
> Hope this helps,
> Regards,
> Jerome.
> PS: more on the notions of Class/Sheet/Template on Vincent's tutorial on
> theserverside :
>> Hello Xwiki-Devs,
>> I am not quite sure if this one is just a stupid question I haven't been
>> able to find an answer for, or if it is just impossible.
>> Situation is this: If you hava a link in a page e.g. "[GrannySmith]"
>> and this page doesn't exist yet (so it'll get a questionmark as marker),
>> as soon as somebody clicks on that link xwiki will suggest to create a
>> new Page or go straight to the editor. So far so clear. Now for instance
>> I have a xwiki class called "Apple" can I create a link that mandates
>> that the newly created page should be of the class "Apple"
>> should have an object of "Apple")? Or is there any other way to
>> accomplish this?
Sergiu Dumitriu