Hi devs,
Here’s a roadmap proposal for XS 10.4, 10.5 & 10.6
So here’s a proposal which takes into account remaining work + try to go in the directions
defined at
https://forum.xwiki.org/t/brainstorming-xwiki-10-x-cycle-roadmap/2274 (globally
meaning more usability for end users).
XS 10.4
* Date: May
* Thomas: Finish work for edit protection from 10.3. Specifically ability to prevent
editing/moving/deleting extension pages when a confi param is set for that.
* Thomas: Register global wiki macro at wiki level when the macro document is in a subwiki
* Thomas: Performance work. Goal: be as good as XWiki 8.4.x. Fix performance issue in
XWiki 10.x/Investigate problems with notifications. See for ex
https://forum.xwiki.org/t/xwiki-and-tomcat-crashes/2788 but several users have reported
issues so there's definitely something really bad happening.
* Guillaume: Finish AS replacement + continue fixing Notifications problems
* Marius: Improve Navigation panel. Introduce notion of blacklist for the Navigation panel
and provide an Admin UI for it. Goal: remove the XWiki space by default using this
blacklist (users can be seen in the User Index). Allow users to control better what they
have in the panel + control the order. Others: try to improve performance.
* Adel: Evaluate and implement weblate for XWiki (replacement for l10n). Note: weblate is
moving fast:
XS 10.5
* Date: June
* Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4)
* Thomas: Fix inconsistence of WebHome appearing everywhere when using references in
macros and API calls. Finish Nested Spaces/Pages work. Page API.
* Guillaume: Notifications bugfixes
* Marius/Adel: Autocomplete on reference. Note: This would lessen the issue with WebHome.
* Example 1: In object editor when the type is "Page Reference" + picker
* Example 2: In WYSIWYG macro editor when a macro has a reference parameter + picker
* Marius/Adel: Finish Visible Save implementation
XS 10.6
* Date: July
* Thomas: continue work on performance (started in 10.4)
* Thomas: Bug fixes (ongoing)
* Guillaume: Notifications bugfixes
* Marius/Adel: For macros having wiki markup content (need new macro descriptor metadata),
let the user enter it in the WYSIWYG directly. When hovering over the macro allow editing
content + have some icons to edit parameters (similar to the CKEditor easy image feature:
https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/issues/932 They call it a "balloon
* Marius/Adel: Move Menus inside administration (see
Let me know if you have any feedback.
@Assignees: As always, please create jira issues and update the roadmap page with the jira
issues (I’ll update the roadmap page now).