Hi everyone,
I'd like to propose voting Jerome Velociter as a XWiki committer.
Jerome has been sending patches (see
http://tinyurl.com/3cbz2j) for a
long time now and his patches are good. I like the fact that in his
latest patches he takes care of submitting nice code with nice
javadocs ;) I propose we let him commit his own patches!
Here's my +1.
Note: For full disclosure, Jerome is working for XPertNet, the
company behind the creation of XWiki. FWIW, out of the 24 committers
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/HallOfFame), 7 are
working for XPertNet (including myself). Note that we're running
XWiki as a meritocratic project (trying to follow the Apache rules as
much as possible) and thus anyone can become a committer (see http://
www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Committership). The more the