On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi devs,
Here's a proposal to move pages currently located in XE into platform modules:
* ColorThemes/*.xml --> xwiki-platform-colorthemes
* Main/Activity.xml --> xwiki-platform-activitystream-ui (move current
xwiki-platform-activitytream into xwiki-platform-activitystream-api)
* Main/AllDocs.xml (and XWiki.Tableview, XWiki.Treeview, XWiki.OrphanedPages,
XWiki.AllAttachments*, XWiki.DeletedDocuments, XWiki.DeletedAttachments and all pages used
by those) --> new xwiki-platform-navigation module
* Main/RssFeeds.xml --> new xwiki-platform-help module or xwiki-platform-rss-ui module
(see below)
rss-ui. I woulnd't know why it would be in help.
* Main/SpaceIndex.xml -->
* Main/Spaces.xml --> xwiki-platform-navigation
* Main/UserDirectory.xml --> xwiki-platform-user-ui
* Main/WebHome.xml --> xwiki-platform-dashboard-ui
* Main/WebRss.xml --> new xwiki-platform-rss-ui module, we would create a
xwiki-platform-rss-api module too where we will move the feed plugin
* Main/Welcome.xml --> move to xwiki-platform-dashboard-ui since it's a dashboard
gadget which we could consider as a default widget
* Sandbox/*.xml --> xwiki-platform-sandbox module (or xwiki-platform-help module)
* XWiki/XWikSyntax.xml --> xwiki-platform-help module
* XWiki/AttachmentSelector.xml --> xwiki-platform-user-ui or new
xwiki-platform-attachmentselector module
* XWiki/ClassSheet, ClassTemplate, ObjectSheet, XWikiClasses,
* XWiki/GadgetClass.xml --> xwiki-platform-dashboard-ui
* XWiki/LiveTableResult*.xml --> new xwiki-platform-livetable module
* XWiki/MessageStreamConfig.xml --> new xwiki-platform-messagestream-ui module (and
move xwiki-platform-message in xwiki-platform-message-api module)
* XWiki/RequestsStatus.xml --> xwiki-platform-administration module or remove from
platform till we integrate it in the Admin as an admin tool somewhere since right now I
think it's available in the Admin tools application
* XWiki/RequiredRightClass.xml --> since it's used in lots of other ui modules
I'd propose to move it in java code as a class created on startup. Alternatively start
creating a xwiki-platform-rights-ui module (or xwiki-platform-permission-ui module) and
move it there
administration ?
* XWiki/SharePage.xml --> not sure…. maybe in a
xwiki-platform-share or xwiki-platform-sharepage module
* XWiki/TemplateProvider*.xml --> xwiki-platform-administration for the moment
* XWiki/WebHome.xml --> xwiki-platform-administration module
* XWiki/WebPreferences.xml --> xwiki-platform-administration module
+1 overall
I think it would be good the moment we do this to try and express
dependencies between modules in their respective poms.
Please try to tell me if you're ok for each line if you have time ;)
devs mailing list
Jérôme Velociter