From what I remember quota for
OpenSource plan
was too low for XWiki.
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 10:15 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)> wrote:
On 04/24/2018 09:44 AM, Clément Aubin wrote:
On 04/23/2018 12:18 PM, Adel Atallah wrote:
Hello everyone,
AFAICS Weblate looks nice, but haven't we looked at other alternatives ?
Here are some of them :
* (uses Java, so it might be easier to integrate)
I've been quite happy with , which handles very well, but isn't ideal for the .xml
translations. It's free for open source projects.
The problem with the .xml files is that apart from the translatable
content, which it handles well, it tries to commit the exact same XML
markup as in the "source" file, which doesn't really work for XWiki. As
a workaround, I just cat|sed the contents of the XML files and upload it
as a non-github-tracked resource. The alternative is to
rebase-interactive each pull request it creates to discard the commits
that try to re-format the XML files, but that gets tedious after a while.
Also, I think that it has already been discussed,
either on or on IRC, but being able
to use as an identity provider on our translation platform
would be neat, so it could be something to look for in the possible
As you may already know, we have thought about
replacing the l10n platform
which is becoming too slow. Weblate seems to be a good replacement choice,
as it will able contributors to have their name in the commits and it has
every features needed to make translations.
One problem is that XWiki doesn't use a standard method to process
translation files. We can solve that by creating some scripts to convert
XWiki translation files into one that Weblate can understand.
A detailed solution can be found here :…
We'll indeed need to convert our translation files to a more "standard"
format, but I fear that using Python might decrease the maintainability
of those scripts.
Feel free to discuss it by responding here or
directly in the design page.
<> *Adel Atallah*
*Product developer intern*
adel.atallah(a) <corina.luong(a)>
tel: +33 (0)6 12 96 35 06
Sergiu Dumitriu