Hi Vincent and all,
Vincent Massol wrote:
* We need to define what is an EP Context
* We need to somehow autogenerate extension points documentation or
it'll never be done.
* We need to prevent "DLL Hell". This is my biggest worry... If it's
easy to create extension points people will use and abuse them. So an
app will provide an extension points used by another app used yet by
another one. Then someone changes one version of an app and other apps
start failing, etc. So when you install an app you need to make sure you
install all the right versions of the dependencies. I would have found
it easier to say there's only one dependency on the core and no interapp
dependencies. Also the Component Manager knows how to deal with
dependencies, versions, etc but I don't see a solution to reuse it and
we'll have to code the application/UI extension management features we
need I think.
you probably considered it already, but couldn't we try to simply use
the Eclipse UI extension points mechanism?
btw this project may be of interest to us:
Rich Server Platform – User Interface Framework (RSP-UI)
"The Eclipse/OSGi development model, applied to the server-side, allows
the creation of truly pluggable, componentized, server-side
applications. Plug-ins can communicate at a logic layer with each other
using established and tested methods, such as extension points and OSGi
services. What is needed for the UI layer is a UI composition framework
which we propose in the form of RSP-UI."