On 17 Oct 2018, at 11:37, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 11:29 AM Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On 17 Oct 2018, at 11:08, Simon Urli
<simon.urli(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
>>>>> I reused the existing UI which does not look so bad IMO (see the
screenshot in the design page).
>>>> This is what happens in the AntiSpam app when the event is cancelled (ie
when it finds some spam in the doc):
>>>> As you can see it’s not really user-friendly.
>>>> Maybe you don’t get this because you’re running inside a job? But in this
case I don’t understand why you need a listener since you check for XClass before you
start the move/rename.
>>>> I must be missing something.
>>> I don't check before I start the move/rename, I'm checking after the
job already started. I reuse exactly the same mechanism as the one used when refactoring a
page that belongs to an extension:
>> Yes and I remember mentioning that for me it’s too late… How do you rollback the
move/rename if you find an XClass after having renamed/moved 100 pages? And yes there’s
the same problem with the other refactoring (and I already mentioned the problem) but we
need to improve at some point and not continue doing it in a suboptimal way. We need to
put ourselves in the shoes of the user.
> Actually you don't have to rollback: the listener is catching the event before
doing the refactoring, so the user has a chance to edit the list of pages to refactor
before the refactor begins.
Before any page in the set has been moved/renamed?
Are we running 2 jobs? One job to perform the check on all pages and another job to
perform the refactoring?
No, to be precise here we are talking about a MoveJob which extends
AbstractEntityJobWithChecks (same for DeleteJob and RenameJob): when the job starts a
method runInternal() is called, which performs a check by creating a DeletingEvent (as
some documents might be deleted) and propagating it to the observationManager.
Then it's catched by the listener and processed: only after this step, the job will
be really started.
ok cool, I don’t fully understand the implementation but I don’t need to ;) (I can check
the code if I need).
You could summarize it that way: there is two main steps in the
delete/rename/move jobs
* preparation: find out the "concerned pages" and associate each of
them with a boolean indicating if it should be taken into account or
not, at the end of this step an event is fired to give a chance to any
listener to modify that list (for example what Simon is doing in his
listener is injecting a question in the current job and modify the
list based on the answer)
* apply: the action is applied to all the pages in the list with true
Thanks for the explanations. It’s clear now.