On 01/26/2011 08:16 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Marius,
While this is technically interesting isn't this adding too much complexity for the
gain it brings?
For ex:
* the transformation will run always on all pages for all content, thus adding some small
performance lag
* it's a little bit too magical maybe
I feel your example doesn't clearly show the advantage:
* the grouping is saving 1 line of code in the example
* the automatic import is saving 4 lines at the expense of clarity
Personally I think i'd *much* prefer to hide all this behind a gallery macro:
That macro would automatically add the SSX/JSX + class, thus hiding all complexity and
implementation details from users.
Indeed, this will do for my purpose (office presentation viewer). But,
as Jerome said, sometimes using style names is more convenient.
Yes but in that case we allow it (as you've shown in your example below) even if not
100% convenient (it's not that bad) :)