Hello list,
With XWiki 3.1 I had managed following the below instructions to use:
MBeanServer server =
def mbeanEv = new GroovyMBean(server,
println("mbeanEv: " + mbeanEv + ", enabled: " +
println("evictions amount: " + mbeanEv.Evictions);
println("hits amount: " + mbeanEv.Hits);
where the uniqueId was obtained by listing before.
But now that we use XWiki 3.5, I need to do it with Infinispan and it seems a little bit
more complex... something close to my lack of competency of mixing Groovy and JMX:
I can do this:
for(def mbean in server.queryMBeans(new ObjectName("org.infinispan:*"),null)) {
out.println("name : " + mbean.getObjectName());
GroovyMBean mb = new GroovyMBean(server, mbean.getObjectName());
out.println("mb: " + mb);
which does show me the things I can see in JConsole, including an evictionRate for some of
the caches.
But I do not manage to"
- filter the objects that have a statistics
- extract this statistics.
Hints welcome.
The big annoyance with this process is that it can
only run on our production server. So thus far I did not dare register a CacheListener in
groovy fearing it would suddenly be slow.
Has anyone used a different strategy or tool?
I'm happy to post my little monitor script.
FYI, newer versions of XE uses JBoss as the default cache implementation. And JBoss
offers JMX support.
Thus you can get all sort of cache stats using JMX.
Thanks Vincent,
I knew a better core meant a better xwiki!
Now, Ludovic convinced me that it was possible to upgrade the core and it starts to work:
running the "old" gui of
curriki.org (called curriki8) on xwiki core 3.2. This
is quite exciting.
I've explored:
which tastes right like I need it.
But I am not sure to bridge the gap to obtain the information for the cache.
I do not see how to port to the world above what I see at: