On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <
jeremie.bousquet(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Reviving this thread, because I wonder how multiparts are managed ...
More precisely, nowhere in current mailsender API do we choose the type of
multipart to manage (ie, multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative...). From
what is said above, and the api signatures, it seems that by default the
component will generate mails with multipart/alternative content, which may
be most common use-case.
If it's multipart/alternative, then calling:
$mail.addContent("text1", "plain/text")
$mail.addContent("text2", "plain/text")
$mail.addContent("text3", "plain/html")
... has very little meaning. A multipart alternative is supposed to present
alternative representations of the same information, most usual use-case
being to provide text and html parts. The client is supposed to display the
last part he can handle (ie, pure text client would display the text part,
and html capable client will display the html part).
Indeed with what I have implemented so far, this has very little meaning. I
considered that people that were going to use addContent and not directly
one of the method like $services.mailSender.sendMail(to, html, alternative
text) would be aware of that (of course this should be explicitly said in
the doc). But I agree that we could perhaps consider letting them choose
between multipart/alternative and multipart/mixed for example. I'm just
afraid that it would make the component harder to understand and to use.
When there are several calls to addContent(...) for the same content type,
is provided text appended to content already present in existing part ?
Ie, in sample above, I would get an email with a plain/text part containing
"text1text2" and an html part with "text3" ?
If text/plain parts are added instead of concatenated, then in sample
below, it would mean that "text2" would obliterate "text1" added
before, as
it will maybe never be displayed by the client (depending on how the client
interprets this case).
Another thing, when you add html content to an email, it's usually for its
better formatting features compared to plain text. A common use-case (for
example, if you want to send a newsletter), is to include some images in
the html page sent.
To do that, you can't just provide the html content, then some attached
images. Doing that you can only send an html page (without inline images)
and images attached. To send an html document with inline image, you need
to send a multipart/related, instead of a "text/html" part, and generate
content-ids for each image/attachment.
Is it managed by the mail sender ?
When I have a text/html mime part, I parse it for finding things like src
:cid and create a multipart/related part in order to embed the image in the
HTML. So I guess it's fine from this point of view.
By the way, I've just put my current mailSender code on a contrib repo :
. I should still clear
up a few things in it (had to make some strange thing to get rid of class
fan out issues... I would take care of it as soon as I have time to,
hopefully next week) before it is publishable but it is supposed to work (I
tested it locally) and it would at least enable you to see how things are
done. Don't hesitate to comment it, and let me know what you think should
be changed !
By the way it would be quite nice, to be able to
round-trip between an
XWiki page content (html) and a multipart/related part. I wonder how it is
managed by Newsletter Application...
Using mail Templates enables you to include some Wiki content in it.
Perhaps it is what the Newsletter application uses ?
Note: concerning the "mail parser" implemented in Mail Archive app,
currently, it does not differentiate multipart/related,
multipart/alternative and multipart/mixed. The same process applies: all
"text/html" parts are parsed into a unique concatenated html content, all
"text/plain" parts are parsed into a unique concatenated pure text content.
If some attachments have content-ids, their reference are replaced in the
html content by a link to proper attached file. This almost respects
RFC1341, in that it almost considers all multiparts as "mixed" (but not in
sequence, as text and html are grouped together). The resulting display is
fine in 99,99% of cases, as far as I tested.
2013/1/7 Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Vincent Massol
On Jan 6, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Thomas Delafosse <
> The advantage of jSoup is that it handles the problems I could have if
html part
is not well written,
Actually this is exactly what the XWiki HTML parser does too :)
I really think you should use our parser.
Plus de HTML parser is very important so the more we test it the better.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> so I was thinking it was more secure to use
>> it than just parsing the "<>" in the html part . But I must
that I
haven't had a close look on the xwiki renderers, and if there are some
>> do it well, I should probably rather use them... I will give it a
look tomorrow.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 8:53 AM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <
>>> wrote:
>>> Le 2 janv. 2013 18:44, "Thomas Delafosse" <
>> écrit :
>>> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.org>
>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/26/2012 10:18 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Thomas Delafosse <
>>>> thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Vincent Massol <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Thomas Delafosse <
>>>>> thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ok, so I would rather have a component API like
>>>>>>>>> - Mail prepareMail(from, to, cc, bcc, subject)
>>>>>>>> createMail is better than prepareMail IMO.
>>>>>>>> I'd make the cc and bcc not part of the constructor
and instead
>>> move
>>>>> them
>>>>>>>> as setters since they're optional.
>>>>>>>>> - int sendMail(Mail mail)
>>>>>>>> Either that or add a send() method in Mail.
>>>>>>>>> while the methods addToContent, addHtml,
addAttachment, etc...
>>> would
>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> directly used from the Mail class.
>>>>>>>> I don't understand what addToContent is and what
different it
>>> to
>>>>>>>> addHtml.
>>>>>>> addToContent (String mimeType, String partToAdd) is more
>>>>>> specify the Mime Type of the part you want to add. So
>>> s)
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> just the same as addToContent("text/html", s). But
as most of the
>>> time
>>>>> you
>>>>>>> add only Html or text, I was thinking it was better to have
>>> specific
>>>>>>> method to add an Html part in the scripting API. I can do
>>>> a
>>>>>> addTextContent method.
>>>>> I think I prefer addContent instead of addToContent.
>>>>> So just to be sure, doing the following will work:
>>>>> addContent("content1", "text")
>>>>> addContent("content2", "text")
>>>>> addContent("content3", "html")
>>>>> right?
>>>>> It's going to create a multipart email?
>>>>> I think a single addContent method is good enough, passing an enum
>>>>> the second parameter (the mimetype). Enums are magically
>>>> velocity with our custom uberspector.
>>>> -1 for enums. That limits the possible content types we can add.
>>> I agree on that point : there are simpler methods such as
>>> $services.mailSender.sendHtmlMail(from, to, subject, html,
>>> for
>>>> people who don't know much about mimeTypes, so it would be a shame
>>> this method.
>>>> I prefer:
>>>> addMimePart(String content, string mimeType)
>>> So far it's exactly the way my addContent method works. But I can
>>> its name to addMimePart if you
>>>> There's also a MimePart in the standard javax.mail library, and we
>> could
>>>> actually use this one, since it's more standard, and more flexible:
>>>>> But this might be a bit too verbose and complex to use.
>>>>> I hope that the implementation will be smart enough to send a plain
>>>>> message when only one body part (of type text or html) is present.
>>>> If there is only a text or html part to the mail, I add an
>>> text/plain part to the mail, using jSoup to convert the html content
>>>> text, if it's what you mean.
>>> On mail reader side, I used xwiki parsers/renderers to convert html
>>> plain text. What is added value of
jsoup ?
>>>>>>> Can I call addContent several times?
>>>>>>> Yes, so for example if you want to have an email with an
>>> and a
>>>>>>> calendar part, you call addToContent("text/html",
html Text) and
>>> then
>>>>>>> addToContent("text/calendar", calendar Code).
>>>>>>>>> So a use-case would rather be :
>>>>>>>>> {{velocity}}
>>>>>>>>> $mail = $services.mailSender.prepareMail(from,
>>>>>>>>> $mail.addHtml('<p>Blabla</p>')
>>>>>>>> addHTMLContent would be nicer. So you need also a
>>>>>>>> why not have an
addContent(String, boolean isHTML)
>>>>>>>> or a more generic addContent(String, String mimeType)
>>>>>>>> or both
>>>>>>>>> $mail.addCalendar()
>>>>>>>> What is a calendar?
>>>>>>> It is either a vCalendar or an iCalendar (it is used by
Gmail to
>>> send
>>>>>>> invitations). It corresponds to the Mime Type
>>>> again
>>>>>> addCalendar(String calendar) is just the same as
>>>>>> addToContent("text/calendar", calendar). It's just
to make it
>>> to
>>>>>>> use.
>>>>>> ok. So I think in the future we could add some calendar helper
>>>> create the calendar string information.
>>>> -1 for a specific addCalendar method. Why not addVCard, addImage,
>>>> addPDF, addDoc and so on? This makes a stuffed API, where anything
>>>>> doesn't have a dedicated API method will feel like a
>>>>> citizen.
>>>>>> For now this is good enough IMO:
>>>>>> addContent("calendar info content as per RFC 2445",
>>>>>> And then later on something like:
>>>>>> addContent($mailsender.createCalendarMimeTypeData(param1,
>>> ….),
>>>>> "calendar")
>>>>>>>> You should also show an example when using the Java
>>>>>>> On Java it would give something like :
>>>>>>> @Inject
>>>>>>> private MailSender mailSender
>>>>>>> Mail mail = this.mailSender.newMail(from,to,subject) ;
>>>>>> I don't like this too much. Why not use a constructor on the
>>> object?
>>>>> Constructors are bad, in a component-based world. I'd rather
>>>>> Mail object an interface,
with an internal implementation used by
>>>> MailSender implementation.
>>>>> (The other option is a perlookup component is you really need to
>>>> some other components injected in
the Mail object; in that case
>> need
>>>> setters to from/to/subject since we currently don't support
>>>> injection).
>>>>>> String htmlCode = "<p>Blabla</p>" ;
>>>>>> String calendar = "BEGIN VCALENDAR... END VCALENDAR" ;
>>>>>> mail.addToContent("text/html", htmlCode) ;
>>>>>> mail.addToContent("text/calendar", calendar) ;
>>>>>> this.mailSender.sendMail(mail) ;
>>>>> why sendMail and not send? We're in a MailSender component so we
>>>> we're sending mail already
>>>> +1 for send.
>>>> By the way, I've put a first version of my component on github :
https://github.com/tdelafosse/mailSender. Feel free to have a look
> to
>> tell me if there's things to change / add / enhance.
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas
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