On Feb 18, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Dan Miron wrote:
Regarding the
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-2964 issue, this
is how I see it:
- Grabbing the icons from the silk iconset
- Creating a macro called 'icon' with the following parameters:
- fileName (required) the name of the file which holds the
I don't like that parameter name. I prefer the more anonymous "name"
icon; here I see two possible approaches:
- with (optional)
- height (optional)
I don't think we should specify width and height since we're using
bitmaps. Would be nice to use SVG for sure but 1) the silk icon set is
not SVG and 2) I don't think ie6 supports SVG out of the box.
An example of usage would be the following:
{{icon fileName="arrow_out.gif" with="20" height="20" /}}
I'd prefer:
{{icon name="arrow_out"//}}
Now for easy emoticons usage I think (I'm not sure) that we could use
a Rendering Transformation instead that would recognize special
characters (such as :) ) and internally transform them into icon macros.
However there's a use case I haven't thought about which is that the
xwiki syntax renderer should probably not use transformed XDOM to
generate wiki syntax since otherwise that makes Transformations
persistent. Then there's the question of the WYSIWYG editor... Need to
think some more about this...
At least you could start implementing the icon macro before we agree
on the emoticon part.
Tnx, Dan