Since we all agreed, I've updated with this new rule.
I've also rewritten other JIRA rules listed on the page to make them more easy to
On Jan 26, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,
We've had a quick discussion with Thomas on IRC regarding the strategy we want to
adopt for issues we don't plan to fix. Here's my POV:
* We should close issues that we know we won't fix. We might not want to fix them for
several reasons but one of these reason is that the issue is for an old XE version.
Especially since we said that we're only supporting the last 2 versions. We = xwiki
committers, but if any committer wants to fix an old issue he's free to do it of
course, it's just a general rule.
* An option would be to leave them open and wait for a patch but I don't think
it's a good idea, because:
- it sends the wrong signals that we're going to fix the issue
- the issue can still be found with a search even if closed
- when we close it then the reporter can explain why it's so important for him, or
not. Which we wouldn't know if we hadn't closed it
- contributors could reopen them and attach a patch or just create a new issue
- it means that for all other issues we plan to fix them at some point