(forwarding this very good article to the xwiki dev list)
Indeed a very good article explaining well the issues.
From the article I conclude that this feature is:
* HTML 5 (and XHTML)
* not standardized and thus with huge varying implementations
depending on the browser
Since I'm a newbie in this domain I'll ask some newbie questions... :)
As a consequence of the above I don't understand why any cross-browser
WYSIWYG editor would use this feature as of now.
Wouldn't it be easier to implement everything in javascript?
Since there are javascript frameworks that isolate the user from the
browser specificities wouldn't it be easy to do that?
Are all the existing WYSIWYG editor using this designMode/
ContentEditable feature?
On Sep 27, 2008, at 8:25 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
Hi Vincent,
I found by chance this article
http://tinyurl.com/5rlwps . I's not
too long and worth reading in order to better understand the
difficulty of making a good cross-browser WYSIWYG editor. You're
already familiar with some of the issues discussed there.
Have a nice evening,