You might want to try {{html clean="false"}} as otherwise some stuff
might get filtered out.
Marius should be able to help more
Leon Wang wrote:
Hi Everyone!
I have read this document "Writing GWT applications in XWiki" (
And I know how to develop GWT module for xwiki now. I also have read the
document "WYSIWYG Editor Module" ( I
followed the instruction which tried to integrate the WYSIWYG editor(GWT
application) in wiki pages, and I put the following code in my wiki editor:
<script type="text/javascript" src="XWikiWysiwyg.js">
alert('WYSIWYG code is
loaded!'); </script> <textarea id="demo"></textarea>
type="text/javascript"> Wysiwyg.onModuleLoad(function() { new
WysiwygEditor({hookId:'demo'}); alert('WYSIWYG code is loaded!'); });
Wysiwyg.onModuleLoad(function() { editor = new WysiwygEditor({hookId:
'demo'}); }); }); </script> {{/html}}"
After saved, it only display a blank text area without any sign of WYSIWYG
editor, also there is no alart 'WYSIWYG code is loaded!' popup. Can you help
me figure it out what is wrong with it?
I am planing to develop a tree view using GWT to display Design Rationale
Element. Could you give me some ideas of after my development, how can I
embeded the GWT application into Xwiki pages and interact with the GWT
Thank you very much!
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