after double-checkign with Thomas and Stéphane, what they actually reckon is
that our editor should follow MS Word and OpenOffice's behavior as much as
possible. This means that* keeping the current implementation would actually
be the best choice *(sorry for trigerring the "send" button a bit too fast).
However their intial reaction was that the first line should not have any
formatting applied. Therefore I think we need to improve the interface in
order to align user expectations with the WYSIWYG editor's behavior -
probably by making the currently selected styles even more visible than they
are now (for instance, when Bold is active, make its background color a
bright red - I'm exaggerating for the sake of clarity).
I'll talk about this with Laurent.
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Guillaume Lerouge <guillaume(a)xwiki.com>wrote;wrote:
In the current implementation of the new WYSIWYG editor, the following
behavior occurs :
1. Type a word (say, "Test")
2. Highlight that word and make it a level 1 title
3. Put the caret at the beginning of the selection ("|Test" where
is the caret) and hit <return>
1. *Text on the second line is now a Level 1 title, as expected*
4. Go back to the previous line (using the <arrow up> key for
5. Start typing on the top line: the text uses the level 1 title style
(it does the same thing with other styles, such as bold or italics)
After talking with our project managers I think this should not happen:
when the user goes back to the previous line and starts typing, the text
should use the "normal" style (that is, no style at all) rather than the
style that was previously set on that line. In other words, styles should be
applied to words and content but not to lines themselves.
So in the end we would have :
| *(normal text, no style selected)*
instead of
| *(level one title selected)*
When the users hits <return> after writing LEVEL ONE TITLE.
Here's my informal +1 for this proposal.
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc