Le 03-juin-09 à 16:30, Guillaume Legris a écrit :
can you
compare this to the usage of the MathTran webservice (for
which contributed a very short macro found in xwiki jira) ?
MathTran is a very good service but there are some potential issues:
- Not reachable from a local wiki (for ex. from a company LAN)
without internet access (or with limited internet access)
- Availability: MathTran doesn't guarantee a level of QoS (from the
MathTran website: "We try to keep the site on-line all day, every day
but we do not guarantee this")
- Performances: Likewise
Against this, the plugin could do caching at the xwiki level.
This would also enable the very famous js-finety of MathTran that can
adjust baselines (because it can then parse the png header).
Pluggeability is dangerous: if you change the thing it might break all
the fomrulæ but I guess it's acceptable.
But as MathTex supports pluggable renderers, a
MathTran renderer can
be also added if required. Thus users could use the same macro syntax
whatever the renderer actually used. It probably means I should merge
some of your previous works, if you're ok.
You can certainly do that but there's very little to be done.
MathTran can also be compiled on your own server...
Could you
provide a web-page about the MathTeX plugin.
You can find some demos here (temporary page) :
MathTeX seems
to be a name that is used for several different things, among others
a cgi script.
The MathTex plugin is not related to libraries with similar names. I
don't think it really collides as it's just a xwiki specific plugin
and not a new library. But maybe another name would be better.
Then just choose "XWiki TeX Plugin" I would suggest.