You should progress on the REST aspects asap
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jun Han <jun.han37(a)> wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
> IMHO, xmlrpc is included for the purpose of back-ward compatibility.
> As REST API was first introduced in version 1.8 from xwiki jira,
> xmlrpc might be useful If the xwiki server only supports xmlrpc (e.g.,
> v1.4 or v1.5).
> I agree that technical details should not be exposed to end user.
> The backend implementation may be determined via analyzing user input of
> server endpoint. For example, if the serverurl contains "confluence"
> (
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/xmlrpc/confluence), then xmlrpc is used. If
> it contains "rest" (e.g.,
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest), then rest
> is used.
> However, the current implementation will populate the specific server
> url field according to the backend type (xmlrpc or rest).
> There may be some better way to do this.
> Best regards
> Jun Han
> On 06/19/2011 03:40 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I haven't followed this thread but just noticing this: why do we want to
expose to users something purely technical (ie the backend implementation)?
>> Also why do we want to have to maintain several backends?
>> IMO we should only use one and use the REST API only.
>> If it's only about migration from the current XMLRPC to REST, it should be a
"hidden" config param not exposed to users and that we use internally only IMO.
>> The goal should always be to make it as easy as possible for end users, i.e. they
shouldn't have to think when using XEclipse.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> On Jun 19, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Jun Han wrote:
>>> Hi Fabio,
>>> I have already finished re-factoring the whole xmlrpc backend.
>>> A new combo list is added to the "new connection" wizard to provide
>>> choices (xmlrpc and rest), as shown in
>>> When user selects "xmlrpc", the xmlrpc implementation is used. The
>>> navigation panel can show the xwiki resources, as shown in
>>> I will continue working on the rest backend following the previous
>>> discussion.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jun Han
>>> On 06/17/2011 09:24 AM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>> could you post a status about your work?
>>>> Your commits stream
>>>> ( is not very
>>>> informative (are you holding commits locally? If so you should push
>>>> more frequently!)
>>>> Midterm is approaching so we need to make things advance a little bit
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Fabio
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Jun Han<jun.han37(a)>
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> After I looked into the current implementation of XEclipse and tried
>>>>> several attempts, one plan, whose goal is to provide an abstract
>>>>> communication layer between XEclipse and server, might be feasible.
>>>>> A rough system diagram showing the relationships of plugins of XWiki
>>>>> Eclipse is available at:
>>>>> In order to remove dependency of particular back-end implementation
>>>>> (xmlrpc or rest),
>>>>> an abstract layer, which includes two plugins (model and storage)
>>>>> be created.
>>>>> 1. model plugin contains the current package of
>>>>> 2. storage plugin contains including two
>>>>> abstract classes, AbstractLocalDataStorage and
>>>>> In this way, all the core implementation and UI components (dialogs,
>>>>> properties dialog, adapters) in ui plugin will now depend on the
>>>>> and storage plugins rather than the xmlrpc implementation.
>>>>> Instead of only providing the required jar files, xmlrpc and rest
>>>>> plugins will also do the following:
>>>>> 1. extend the AbstractLocalDataStorage and AbstractRemoteDataStorage
>>>>> storage plugin
>>>>> 2. extend the model classes in model plugin
>>>>> In this way, all the abstract classes in model and storage plugins
>>>>> be initialized in the run time and perform the specified functions.
>>>>> If my understanding is correct, I will begin re-factoring work.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>> On 6/11/2011 10:32 AM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>> Instead of returning Object, you should return
>>>>>> org.xwiki.eclipse.core.model.Page or Object, etc.
>>>>>> So the storage abstraction needs to include and abstract model as
well in
>>>>>> order to be usable. This means that the implementation also comes
with a
>>>>>> model implementation (xmlrpc.model.PageSummary for xmlrpc
>>>>>> rest.jaxb.model.Page for rest back-end, etc.... all of them
>>>>>> org.xwiki.eclipse.core.model.Page)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Jun
Han<jun.han37(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Eduard,
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for prompt instruction.
>>>>>>> I forgot to sync the screenshot to the server. Now it is the
correct one.
>>>>>>> Regarding the pluggable solution for both xml-rpc and rest, I
will try
>>>>>>> to devise a common storage API for both of them.
>>>>>>> For example,
>>>>>>> public Object getPage(String pageId)
>>>>>>> public List<Object> getPages(String spaceKey)
>>>>>>> They will return
>>>>>>> 1. xmlrpc.model.PageSummary if connecting via xmlrpc or
>>>>>>> 2. rest.jaxb.model.Page if connecting via rest.
>>>>>>> If this is the way to go, I will look more into how to
implement this.
>>>>>>> Adapter pattern may be used.
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>> On 06/10/2011 12:08 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>> On 06/10/2011 05:26 PM, Jun Han wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, Eduard and Fabio,
>>>>>>>>> I finished part of the navigation panel, which shows
the connection,
>>>>>>>>> wiki, space.
>>>>>>>>> Please see the screenshot at
>>>>>>>> I think you pasted the wrong screenshot. We`ve already
seen this one and
>>>>>>>> I think it's from an early stage of development.
>>>>>>>>> Adding pages under space is straightforward too,
however, it requires
>>>>>>>>> re-factor a lot of source code, which spreads in the
plugin of
>>>>>>>>> xwiki.eclipse.ui and xwiki.eclipse.core.
>>>>>>>>> I will continue work on displaying more XWiki
resources after I finish
>>>>>>>>> re-factoring the properties editor, action provider
(context menu), and
>>>>>>>>> other dialog windows related to connection, wiki,
>>>>>>>> It should not take that much of a refactoring on the UI
part, since the
>>>>>>>> heavy lifting is done in the core.
>>>>>>>> What I actually wanted to tell you is that you should
take the
>>>>>>>> refactoring in a modular direction and consider your work
as a
>>>>>>>> contribution and alternative for the existing system and
not only as a
>>>>>>>> replacement. I you can`t do it as a contribution,
consider adding a
>>>>>>>> mechanism that allows you to do so (see our first
discussions on
>>>>>>>> integrating the rest back-end). Keep the abstraction
layer (interfaces,
>>>>>>>> model, etc) as the main think the ui and even core
>>>>>>>> communicate with and keep the implementation of that
abstraction layer
>>>>>>>> pluggable (xml-rpc, rest, etc). The UI must also be aware
of this and
>>>>>>>> act accordingly.
>>>>>>>> We don`t want to do the same replacement work if, for
whatever reason,
>>>>>>>> we want to switch to a different back-end in the future.
So keep that in
>>>>>>>> mind at all time during GSoC.
>>>>>>>> Besides that, keep up the good work ;)
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>> On 06/09/2011 07:26 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>> On 06/09/2011 11:14 AM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure that syntaxes should appear as
a child of connection. I
>>>>>>>>>>> would show this information in the property
panel of the connection.
>>>>>>>>>> I think that you should make the
"wikis" implicit as well and leave
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>> the Connection Name as top root, just like in my
previous proposal:
>>>>>>>>>> Connection01
>>>>>>>>>> - wiki1
>>>>>>>>>> -- spaceA
>>>>>>>>>> --- pageX
>>>>>>>>>> - wiki2
>>>>>>>>>> - etc.
>>>>>>>>>> As Fabio pointed out, stuff like supported
syntaxes and xwiki version
>>>>>>>>>> should be displayed in the properties page of a
>>>>>>>>>> Also, you need to take care when the user enters
the user name and
>>>>>>>>>> password and consider the wiki for which it
applies. User Admin on the
>>>>>>>>>> main wiki (xwiki:XWiki.Admin) is not the same as
user Admin on subwiki1
>>>>>>>>>> (subwiki1:XWiki.Admin).
>>>>>>>>>> I believe that, if you don`t enter the absolute
user name
>>>>>>>>>> (xwiki:XWiki.Admin) and you enter only the
relative name (Admin), it
>>>>>>>>>> will be resolved to the wiki of the resource you
are trying to access.
>>>>>>>>>> You should, at least internally, always use
absolute user names.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Jun
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eduard and Fabio,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I managed to create a top-level tree
expansion when user requests the
>>>>>>>>>>>> entry point of REST API:
>>>>>>>>>>>> A screenshot is available at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Now the labels display the
whole<href> attribute, I plan to
>>>>>>> "syntaxes"
>>>>>>>>>>>> and "wikis" later on.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When user clicks the "wikis",
the navigation tree will continue to
>>>>>>>>>>>> expand to show all the sub-wiki names.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It took me a while to figure out the
configuration of tree content
>>>>>>>>>>>> provider, tree viewer and label provider,
which is a little different
>>>>>>>>>>>> with what I did in Eclipse SWT
development. As this has been sorted
>>>>>>> out,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would pick up the pace.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/07/2011 10:37 AM, Eduard Moraru
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/07/2011 02:05 PM, Fabio
Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the REST api also takes into
account Wikis, so you should take into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account this into the plugin.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I think that we need to display
the other resources (like we
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> now), but maybe we should improve
that too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I`d suggest that we group objects by
class name, something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (wiki/farm/connection
name, given by the user)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- xwiki (main/sub wiki
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---- Main
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------ WebHome
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0, 1, 2 above are object numbers,
but, in the future, they might
>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to some other IDs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The advantage of such an ordering is
that, highly used pages (that
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lots of comments, or lots of objects
of specific classes) will allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier management of the objects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a list of numbers looks too blank,
you could have them print the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> value of the first property it their
class, just like XWiki`s object
>>>>>>>>>>>>> editor does and you`d have something
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : Administrator
('author' property value)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : Guest
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2 : Administrator
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don`t know what's the status of
Attachments (I don remember if we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> display them or not), but we should
have them as an 'implicit' first
>>>>>>>>>>>>> class like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------ WebHome
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- Attachments
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- dog.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- spreadsheet.xls
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : Administrator
('author' property value)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : Guest
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2 : Administrator
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, the main idea is to expose as
much as REST API allows. Check
>>>>>>>>>>>>> again the API specs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can get creative with the details
on how to display/handle the
>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 7:35 AM,
Jun Han<jun.han37(a)>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Fabio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have finished replacing
xmlrpc implementation of login
>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by sending http GET request
to entry point
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest/) along with username/password.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A status code of 200 will be
regarded as successful while 401
>>>>>>> means
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> login fails.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The source code have been
updated in org.xwiki.eclipse.ui and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.xwiki.eclipse.core
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will begin working on xwiki
navigatoin panel and replace xmlrpc
>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accordingly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One question is what
resources are to be included in navigation
>>>>>>> panel,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> besides xwiki ->
space -> pages? and how to display
>>>>>>> them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/05/2011 05:50 PM, Fabio
Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> login/logout can be
implemented in order to store on the client
>>>>>>> side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user credentials that are
sent with HTTP requests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently there is no way
in the REST-api to get a "session
>>>>>>> token"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (like the cookie sent
after a login is made using the web form)
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that subsequent requests
are performed on the behalf of a
>>>>>>> previously
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authenticated user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So what is usually done
is to send basic-auth credentials with
>>>>>>> each request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can start with this.
Next you might try to retrieve the
>>>>>>> cookie by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faking a standard login
and using that cookie in subsequent
>>>>>>> requests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ideal setting would
be to implement server side some
>>>>>>> OAuth-like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism, but this is
out of scope wrt your project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at
6:27 PM, Jun Han<jun.han37(a)>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am on the way of
replacing the xmlrpc implementation of
RemoteXWikiDataStorage implements IDataStorage {}.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One question is about
how to implement login and logout
>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> via REST API.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From REST
API document, users can be authenticated via
>>>>>>> something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. XWiki session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. HTTP Basic Auth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP basic auth can
be implemented via adding HTTP header to the
>>>>>>> HTTP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request, then
XEclipse can display Xwiki Resources by parsing
>>>>>>> the response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, do we need
to implement login and logout methods?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
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