Personally I tend to 1), because I think displaying lots of data in a way that scales
should be a core feature of a wiki - and livetable does just this.
Maybe something like having l;ivetable as a "default implementation"
which in principle can be overriden by something else would be nice, but
I have no idea how to do that.
Then I am also somewhat biased towards 1) as I got stuck with the aforementioned issue
because the current way is not 1), and that kept me from solving the issue -
I neither found the time to wrap my head around the extension point stuff,
nor did I really want to write two different solutions (with / without livetable).
In my experience this ends up like having a separate "noscript" implementation
for some feature - everybody thinks it is good to have it, but actually
hardly anyone uses it and thus it usually goes into neglect and disrepair.
Then my argument boils down to laziness, so I cannot say I made a strong case ;)
On 10/14/2014 09:52 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
Hi devs,
While looking into the delete space UI issue [1], we first thought about
directly using the livetable macro to list the documents to be deleted from
the space.
Now the problem, as state by Vincent: Can/should we use the livetable
inside templates? Is the livetable part of xwiki-platform-web or is a
removable extension (xwiki-platform-livetable)?
Currently, xwiki-platform-livetable only contains the 2 pages that generate
the JSON for the livetable, but the html markup is generated by the
#livetable macro (macros.vm) and the livetable.css and livetable.js files
are all in xwiki-platform-web.
The only case of it being used in templates right now is in rightsUI.vm [2]
where the macro is not directly called, but the html markup is created by
hand and the javascript and css is included.
IMO, we should decide on a single approach for the livetable and use it all
the way. What we do currently can be confusing even for us.
I currently see two directions:
1) Move the content of xwiki-platform-livetable in a xwiki-platform-web as
templates so that the livetable is a core feature and that it also works in
the UI when the database is empty.
2) Move the livetable macro (as wiki macro?), js (as JSX) and css (as SSX)
from xwiki-platform-web to xwiki-platform-livetable and see the livetable
as just another extension/feature that is only present when installed. The
rightsUI would need a change as well, since it can no longer rely on the
livetable and probbaly we would also need to find a way to allow extenions
to contribute filesystem resources.
I thought it would be a good idea to open a discussion on this topic since
it's currently, AFAIK, a grey area.
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Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
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