I think this is the first "deprecation removal" I'd be able to give a +1
+1 !
I agree with Vincent that fiddling with {pre} is likely to give bad surprises but, to be
frank, it has never ever been fully understandable to me. So maybe this would be the
(the change of velocity from 1.5 to 1.7 is waaaaaaay more radical a change!)
Le 7 juin 2012 à 00:51, Sergiu Dumitriu a écrit :
Hi devs,
Most of the devs know about the new xwiki-rendering engine which provides the support for
the new xwiki/2.x syntaxes, and the old Radeox-based rendering engine which provides
support for the xwiki/1.0 syntax, but I wonder who knows about the Oro-based wikiwiki
engine that provides support for an even older undocumented wiki syntax? That one has been
in the oldcore sources before I came in contact with XWiki, and it has been disabled for a
very long time.
One thing that we still use from that basic rendering engine is the support for
{pre}{/pre} code escaping, and that one will have to be preserved even if we remove all
the rest.
The advantages of removing it include:
- less ancient, unused, buggy code
-- thus slightly less PermGen memory required and faster startup
- one less Oro dependency (a long term goal is to remove Oro and ECS from our
- fewer WTFs from people stumbling over that code
Does anybody know of any users of that syntax? Is anybody still running 0.1.x versions?
Sergiu Dumitriu
devs mailing list