Ok more than 72 hours have passed, here are the results:
- 6 binding +1
- 2 non-binding +1
- no 0 and no -1
The VOTE is passed.
We now need to make CLIRR work with Java8 before we can move the build to require Java 8.
On 9 Feb 2016 at 16:11:38, vincent(a)massol.net (vincent(a)massol.net) wrote:
Hi devs,
I’d like to propose that we move to Java 8 as the minimal Java version supported for XWiki
The rationale is:
* Java 7 is end of life since April 2015.
* It brings [Default
Methods|https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/defaultmethods.h…] which
would make retro compatibility a lot easier for us (it's very hard to add new features
to existing API right now).
* Required for:
** Infinispan 8
** JGroups 4
** Jetty 9.3+ seems to require Java 8 (or maybe it's just optimized for it,
http://download.eclipse.org/jetty/ is not crystal clear about what "Java 8+"
means exactly)
Nice to have
* Lambda Expressions
* Repeating Annotations which would probably allow us to use several times \@Named instead
of \@Component(hints=\{"hint1", "hint2"\}) for example
* New date/time APIs (pretty much what is in Joda Time). We should refactor our $datetool
velocity tool to make the java.time api available from velocity
* more…
Here’s my +1 and my +1 to start requiring Java 8 for 8.0M2.