On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Bruno Amaro Almeida
<bruno-a-almeida(a)criticalsoftware.com> wrote:
But, can i get the value of username and password , so
that way, decide
where to redirect ?
I guess the easiest solution is to redirect to a page that will
perform another redirect, established according to the authenticated
user (however, this means double redirect, not very efficient).
- in login.vm , the value of xredirect should be set to
$xwiki.getURL('Main.GetUserRedirect') (for example)
- the Main.GetUserRedirect should contain something like this:
#set($redirect = 'Default.Page')
#if($context.user == 'XWiki.me')
#elseif($context.user == 'XWiki.you')
## or a more intelligent way to determine the target page
Another solution is to use a javascript listener to change the
xredirect field from the login form just before submit.