I'm still testing the latest XWiki source code. It seems that there are some
bugs in simple form.
For instance, I've a form like this (this is the classic photo album) :
Title: $doc.display("title", $obj)
$doc.display("description", $obj)
#set($newtitle = $request.title)
#set($newtitle = $newtitle.replace('"',"'"))
<script type="text/javascript">
var title = "${newtitle}";
document.forms.edit["XWiki.PhotoAlbumClass_0_title"].value = title;
- When I edit the page, I see the right form.
- But when I change a input and save the form, the value has not been changed.
I've tested it on all my Wikis (since I have a virtual wiki configuration).
How the "Edit Object" action still works.
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb