Hi Karel,
On 06/02/2011 07:54 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:
I'm back to this task. I've searched JIRA for related RFE/BUG but have
not found anything so I created my own:
My basic idea about UI is that XEclipse New Page wizard will be enhanced
to provide a field "Template" where user will be able to select
appropriate template provider (as they are set in Administration>
Content> Templates).
In order to get the list of templates in XEclipse, you
would need a
service that does internally a HQL like this:
#set($availableProviders = $xwiki.searchDocuments(", BaseObject obj
where doc.fullName=obj.name and
obj.className='XWiki.TemplateProviderClass' and
(taken from XWiki.AdminTemplatesSheet, the page that displays the
content in Administration > Content > Templates)
The service can be either a REST extension (java component) or a wiki
page called with ?xpage=plain (to return the result in some custom xml
or just csv).
If he/she sets some, then while clicking on Next
button (to be added) it'll render the page of the template provider form
to the wizard window, the user will be able to fill it and then hit
Finish button to actually save the page.
Both to avoid reimplementing the template
mechanism and the rendering of
the template form, one rather simple solution would be to display in an
SWT Browser control the result of a page like
(the type of link generated by the create page dialog in XWiki).
Basically you show the XWiki page inside your wizard.
The problem with this approach is that you end up with unnecessary
header, panels and footer when you`re only interested in the page
content. Besides that, you also have the save, save&continue and cancel
buttons that are kind of conflicting with your wizard's buttons and flow.
Not sure about this, but one solution may be to extract from the big
HTML, only the document content, excluding the bottom buttons. You`d
better inspect (with firebug) the structure of the page to see what you
need and what you don`t.
A second partial solution would be to append ?xpage=plain to the above
link and you will end up only with the rendered document content in
inline mode (so you can have inputs and such). The only disadvantage I
see here is that, if your template uses non-inline javascript (trough a
JavaScriptExtension for example or the js already available in XWiki),
it will not be available in the rendered version.
Whichever you choose from the two solutions, you can then implement the
Finish button of the wizard to launch a HTTP request and simulate the
Save button from XWiki's page (passing all the needed parameters,
including the parameters in the page the user just filled in).
You can additionally stylize the displayed HTML so that it better
integrates with the Eclipse wizard.
Now the question is how to achieve it? Any idea where
to start hacking
or where to look for more information is highly appreciated here.
This is the only
thing I can think of right now. Hope it helps.
On 04/26/11 05:38 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:
I'm currently reading about XWiki and XEclipse and would like to ask if
there is any consensus about XWiki pages templates which might also be
usable from XEclipse probably after some code hacking on its plugins.
I'm currently working on some project for my client (source code will be
contributed/available later in the project stage) where there is a need
to use XEclipse and enhance it to support some predefined
forms/templates for web pages creation. So far I've found just XWiki FAQ
tutorial on
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FAQTutorial which
tries to deals with some kind of templates. However this looks quite
general at least so far to me and so I would like to ask the question
above about consensus where and how to go with templates in xwiki/xeclipse.
My current idea is to stick with the XWiki server as a provider of
templates to preserve ability to use templates from both browser and
xeclipse and to enhance xeclipse new page creation wizard to provide a
list of available templates on the server side...
Thanks for any idea where to start or where to look for more information
with regarding to this project task.
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