Hi everyone,
We're happy to announce the 1.0 Beta 2 release. It's mostly a bug fix
release but it also contains some new improvements such as new macros.
* Lots of bugs fixed. Most of them are bugs related to the WYSIWYG editor
and the new 1.0 skin.
* Simplified Edit menu with only a single menu entry. This is to make it
simpler for new users. It's possible to switch between Simple and Advanced
from the user profile page.
* New #info("This is some useful information"), #warning("Careful not to
break something") and #error("You did something terrible") macros.
* New #floatingbox() macro to display a floating box (aligned right by
* __text__ is now the notation for underline
* Lots of other minor improvements
Full list:
Thanks and enjoy
-The XWiki Team
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