I'm trying to save a document from inside a job [1] execution, as follows
xwiki.getXWiki(context).saveDocument(doc, comment, context);
Nothing really special ... It used to work (out of a job), but now it
throws NPE:
Checking source code, it happens there (sorry, I roughly decompiled it):
/* 560 */ if ("1".equals(Param("xwiki.virtual.usepath",
"1"))) {
/* 561 */ String uri = request.getRequestURI();
/* 562 */ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
/* 563 */ LOGGER.debug("Request uri is: " + uri);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 566 */ uri = stripSegmentFromPath(uri, request.getContextPath());
From the logs in DEBUG, I see:
"Request uri is: null"
... which is kind of logical I believe, as I'm in a Thread triggered by
another thread, and not directly in an http request.
I'm not sure of what I should do from here ... And if my analysis is
correct, or if something else is wrong. Maybe I should do something with
ExecutionContext ...