On 10/29/07, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi Evelina,
Thomas has committed the required methods over the weekend I think.
Are you good with those?
Some questions:
1) When will you be able to have them used?
Also, for the suggest I'd like to better understand the following:
2) Do we need this to release the new rights management for 1.1.2 and
It is not "needed" as in "can't live without it", but extremely
useful, as it improves the productivity a lot.
3) If so, when will it be ready?
The suggest was done a long time ago (during SoC), but someone had to
commit the code (me).
Additional questions:
4) Felix has submitted a lightbox implementation some time ago in
JIRA. Is that the same one as the one you're using? If so, is it
generic and can it be used easily by anyone using XWiki? If so we need
to a) document it in the code zone on
xwiki.org and b) close the JIRA
issue opened by Felix
Almost. Since it was submitted by Felix, it was changed by Anca, Marta
and me for Wolters, and then further changed by Evelina to fit the
needs of XE. It is not stable yet, as it was only used with special
purposes in mind (Wolters, RightsManagement), so there's more to do:
test how it works in some other usage scenarios, improve the js code,
cleanup, document. In the current form it is better undocumented on
xwiki.org, as the API will probably change.
5) For your suggest patch, is it done in a generic way
so that anyone
using XWiki can use it? If so, we need to document it too in the code
zone on
xwiki.org. What JIRA issue is this?
The last time we checked it, it was working fine.
Thanks a lot
On Oct 27, 2007, at 11:53 PM, evelina.slatineanu wrote:
Hi all,
My status about rights management: ready and working :)
There are 2 small problems:
1. currently I tested with 10.000 random generate users and it works
slowly because I need some new methods in the RM API to count the
of returned rows (because I currently used something like:
#set( $users = $rm.getAllMatchedGlobalUsers( $filterMap, $limit, $off,
$orderList ) )
#set( $countUsers =
$rm.getAllMatchedGlobalUsers( $filterMap ).size() )
so for count I just take ALL the users from the database and then
size() which is killing, I know :P )
- so, Thomas, I will need the following methods:
getAllMatchedLocalGroupsCount(filters) or
countAllMatchedLocalGroups(filters) (to keep the name from the other
(...without the nb, start parameters)
I then tested with the count put manually and it worked extremely well
(400 ms for 10.000 users this including all: database query, transfer,
javascript and dom processing - this on my personal laptop which has
limited capabilities :D ; like it is right now (with .size() ) it
be 19 sec for 10.000! so a lot more :D ) so the count will improve the
ajax loading very much.
2. I need the suggest patch applyed :D I will make the patch for
1.1 (I
already apply it on the core and is working fine ) but someone has to
commit it ( I done it for GSOC for trunks 1.2)
I just have to put some css to make it look prettier (some images and
some alignment, nothing complicated :) )
So the lightbox is working fine, the rights are working fine, the
loading will be quickly if I have this methods....And that's all for
because my mail is already long :))
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