+1 for 2)
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On Apr 6, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
Hi devs,
I won't be available to release 4.0RC1 next Monday which is the
planned release date so unless someone else want to do it we need to
move it.
I see two possibilities:
1) today
2) next Tuesday
Here is my +1 for 2) for the following reasons:
* we slipped a bit with 4.0M2 which mean that it has just been
released this week which makes it too short to release the RC1 today
* we need to finish with new ComponentManager API (please answer to
Vincent's vote mail) before the release candidate or then it's not a
release candidate
* I would like to finish with relative vs absolute URL in sendRedirect
so that this change is introduced in a new major version (but it's
more nice than critical)
* anything else left to do for 4.0 ?
+1 for 2). In addition we need to have JV's code (for hiding tech content)
in it and verify it works a bit… (yeah it should have been done in M1 or M2
and not RC…).
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