Hi devs,
I just added a new project, xwiki-portlet, to contrib/sandbox. Its final
target is to handle the integration of an XWiki Enterprise instance
inside a JSR286 compatible portal.
My current approach is to dispatch portlet requests from a portlet
(DispatchPortlet) to an XWiki Enterprise instance running on the same
context path. I use a servlet filter to catch these requests on the
servlet side and to adjust them. I'm rewriting the XWiki URLs from the
response, if content type is text/html, into portlet URLs so that the
user can navigate through XWiki pages without leaving the portal. XWiki
URLs are mapped to portlet URLs (action/render/resource) through
configuration (e.g. /bin/download/ prefix is mapped to a resource
request type).
The current code is not well documented and there are no tests. It's
more or less a proof of concept. I'm still investigating if the current
approach covers all the use cases.
In order to be able to fully integrate XWiki into a portal we must
rewrite some of XWiki's UI to ensure it is isolated from the rest of the
portal when in portlet mode. This implies:
* making sure the CSS doesn't affect content outside of the XWiki
container (the container needs to be defined)
* namespacing HTML element ids
* namespacing JavaScript global variables
The last two points are required to allow two instances of the XWiki
portlet to be present on the same portal page and have different state.