Hi Jonathan, everybody,
As you may know the "Responsive Skin" project has been accepted for
the GSoC 2012. I will be mentoring the project, together with
Ecaterina and everyone that wants to get involved. Jonathan Solichin
is the student who will realize the project.
Jonathan, I'd like you start telling us about your plans and an
expected timeline proposal for the realization of the project.
Then the next step is to create a page on the design page in the
development wiki [1] and start the work here.
I'll lay here some of my thoughts on the project, and what I
personally consider conditions for success (for the moment) :
* I'd like we start with a phase of "paper" design (I mean with gimp
or photoshop or whatever tool to produce images).
* I think we should limit the feature set of the skin ; not trying to
do everything right away (there are potentially a lot of features to
work on, from livetables to data editors, to applications, etc.)
* For a start, focus should be given on content and navigation. With a
mobile-first approach, expanding up to large-screens desktop.
* I think it's OK to have semantic break points (like "phone",
"tablet", etc.) as long as the skin is actually responsive and adapt
to whatever real estate is available. We should be able to "drag the
corner" of a browser window and have the skin display well at all
Of course all those points are open for discussion, those are just my
views on the topic. Feedback from the community welcomed.
Jonathan, looking forward hearing from you,