Nice work.
However, something stroke me when reading that, why do we still want
livetable with nested? The tree seems the best way to represent
hierarchical structure of documents (as you say in sol4) so I'm not sure
to understand the real reason to try to keep a livetable and not
completely drop it and focus on tree view. OK, that is my opinion.
Now, to talk about your proposition, I guess sol2 or sol3 are fine (I
would go more for sol3).
For another solution, maybe you could mixin sol3 with a bit of sol1.
Let me explain. Use Sol3 but instead of displaying only parent, display
the minify breadcrumb. And fall back to "only parent" on mobile with a
small icon next to it to display the complete path in a popup or
something similar (or use this icon on every device and forget about
minify breadcrumb). Don't know if it makes sense.
Hope this helps.
On 02/07/2015 00:04, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) wrote:
I've added some ideas on how to display 'Space' column in the AllDocs page:
Let me know what you think and if there are other ideas.
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Jean Simard
Research engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the project