Hi everyone,
I've summarized what we've committed to so far. Some committers haven't
replied yet to this mail (marius, anca, jean-vincent, Denis, etc). Would be great to
gather what all committers are planning to do.
See below
On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,
Since we're getting close to XE 3.1 final release it's time for defining the
roadmap for 3.2.
After discussing offline with several XWiki devs (the ones from XWiki SAS) here's a
list of items for 3.2 that we came up with.
• Features
• UI for extension manager + backend extension manager (continued, especially nice XAR
- Thomas
- JV
• Search improvements and especially scoring, French
support and wildcard issues (continued from 3.1)
- Sergiu
• App Within Minutes
- ??? (We need someone responsible for the implementation)
- Sergiu can help
• Jiras Priority 1
• XWIKI-6504 Convert Panels application into syntax 2.0
- Sergiu
• XWIKI-6676 UI does not report failed delete actions
of attachments; XWIKI-6623 Attachment upload failure gives no feedback to user
- Sergiu
• ORACLE fixes
- Vincent to help
- Sergiu can help provided issues are reported (Sorin reported already XWIKI-6682 and
• Fixes for HTTPS support
- Sergiu can help provided issues are reported (Sorin to report issues)
• XWIKI-6687 Be able to delete a space from the UI
- ???
• Jiras Priority 2
• Stats module improvements (Commit code from client projects without changes)
- ???
• LDAP Admin UI (commit Jerome work without changes)
- ???
• Clustering bug
- Vincent
- Thomas
• XWIKI-6684 Use a predefined Space Template like
Dashboard, Livetable when creating a new space
- ???
• XWIKI-6073 Change stylesheet and javascript
extension filename when a modification is done on those
- Sergiu could look at this provided he gets enough time...
• Investigations
• Solr
- ???
• Browser support (IE6, IE7, Safari)
- Sorin?
• XWiki in 5min
- Caty
• XEM/Workspace features
- Caty/Ludovic?
This is of course a minimal list that we're proposing to implement. More could be
implemented but we're proposing to guarantee the implementation of the items above.
- Jerome:
* Rest improvements (Restlet upgrade + re-organization of the rest
module - already started)
* Suggest widget improvements and bug fixes (better highlighting,
better performance, new options - already started as well)
- Caleb:
* I really hope I can find time to work on the cache, namely:
** XWIKI-6170
** XWIKI-6173
** XWIKI-6169
Now we need to put names against each of these items.
Can you please volunteer and put your name next to issues you'd like to implement?