Hi David,
On 05/10/2010 11:13 AM, David Pinn wrote:
Marius wrote:
* Inherit the WYSIWYG GWT module in your own GWT module descriptor
** Use the same entry point as the WYSIWYG GWT module, which publishes
a JavaScript API you can use to instantiate the editor, or
** Use your own entry point and instantiate the editor in GWT code
How would I instantiate the editor in GWT code? I've been trying to
achieve this, but I get an editor that will not accept typing. That
is, typing characters into the editor has no effect; the characters
don't display, and there is no change to the state of the editor in
the DOM. I figure it must be something to do with the way I'm creating
You can use either the RichTextEditorController, which manages a
RichTextEditor (menu bar + tool bar + rich text area) and a set of rich
text area plugins, or the WysiwygEditor which extends the
RichTextEditorController with the ability to switch to source (plain
text area).
The WysiwygEditor constructor does this:
super(new RichTextEditor(), config, pfm,
svm.getSyntaxValidator(config.getParameter("syntax", DEFAULT_SYNTAX)));
You can look in the WysiwygEditorFactory to see how to create a
PluginFactoryManager and a SyntaxValidatorManager.
As for the Config object, the WysiwygEditorApi does this:
Config config = new DefaultConfig(jsConfig);
which creates a configuration object from a JavaScript object (uses
GWT's Dictionary class behind the scenes). Configuration options are
listed on
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/WysiwygEditor (most
of them are plugin related)
Can you show me how you instantiate the editor? It's hard to understand
the problem without seeing the code.
Hope this helps,