ok I think I'm going to do something different... :) Here's a new proposal:
* Create a XWikiWebappResourceLoader that extends Velocity Tool's WebappResourceLoader
and that sets the ServletContext in the velocity engine application properties (required
for WebappResourceLoader to work)
* Users of the xwiki-velocity module will need to specify a resource loader (should they
need one - it's not mandatory if you don't use templates). More specifically
they'll need to pass:
** resource.loader = "xwiki"
** xwiki.resource.loader.class = XWikiWebappResourceLoader.class.getName()
Technically we'll be able to acces the ComponentManager in XWikiWebappResourceLoader
because in DefaultVelocityEngine's init() method, just after we do a new
org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine() we'll do an
engine.setApplicationAttribute(ComponentManager.class.getName(), componentManager)
This is then accessible from XWikiWebappResourceLoader since the rsvc (aka velocity
engine) is accessible from there (we extend WebappResourceLoader).
Note that this also allows us to extend/implement other Velocity subsystems and to make
our CM available to them.
I think it's much better since:
* we don't change any API
* we use the existing velocity configuration system to configure the behavior to use
* it's in the spirit of the Velocity framework
* it's flexible for the users of the xwiki-velocity module
On Mar 3, 2011, at 1:51 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
On 03/02/2011 06:44 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
I forgot to menton the alternative which is to
create a WebAppVelocityFactory component impl (hint = "webapp"), in the same
manner that I have already created WebAppVelocityConfiguration and WebAppVelocityEngine.
I think my preference foes to the API modification now.
I don't like either one.
Adding the hint parameter to the API is nice if there ever will be a
need to have different types of engines at runtime. Do we have this need
at the moment? I don't think so, so IMO it's better to keep the API as
simple as possible while still serving our needs.
Implementing WebAppVelocityFactory somehow beats the definition of a
factory, at least in my view. A factory usually is a single class that
knows how to create objects of different types. Normally the preferred
approach is indeed to add a "hint" parameter, but as I said we don't
really need it at the moment.
What if we just change the implementation of the factory so that the
default hint is taken from a configuration? What we'll need to do is to
provide a different configuration for use inside XWiki.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 4:49 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> ok I have no added the following 2 new component impls:
>> * WebAppVelocityConfiguration
>> * WebAppVelocityEngine
>> However it's not enough since DefaultVelocityEngine.createVelocityEngine()
does a component lookup on VelocityEngine and we need a way for it to look up with a
passed hint.
>> I'm proposing to modify the current VelocityFactory API from:
>> VelocityEngine createVelocityEngine(String key, Properties properties) throws
>> to:
>> VelocityEngine createVelocityEngine(String key, Properties properties, String
engineType) throws XWikiVelocityException;
>> where engineType is the hint corresponding to the engine to look up.
>> Then DefaultVelocityManager can call VelocityFactory, passing the
"webapp" hint to createVelocityEngine.
>> WDYT?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>> Just a heads up of what I'm working on right now: cleaning up
xwiki-velocity dependencies.
>>> I'm going to split it into several submodules:
>>> * xwiki-velocity-management (or xwiki-velocity-jmx)
>>> * xwiki-velocity-default
>>> * xwiki-velocity-webapp (implementation of VelocityEngine and
VelocityConfiguration with hint = "webapp", this is to use use velocity with
the WebappResourceLoader loading templates from the webapp's root dir)
>>> -Vincent