Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
I have successfully load my GWT tree on to the Xwiki page. I met a new
problem which is that I cannot add the background color button to the
toolbar of WYSIWYG editor. I have read the document:
and I tried two ways, first is to edit templates/macros.vm I edited this
line: toolbar: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.toolbar", "bold
underline strikethrough backcolor teletype | subscript superscript |
unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format fontname
fontsize forecolor backcolor | hr symbol | link unlink | importer")', No
matter where I put "backcolor forecolor" it just would not show up.
Second I added wysiwyg.toolbar as String property to Xwiki.preferences
class, and edit the Xwiki.preferences in the object editor and I put bold
italic underline strikethrough teletype | subscript superscript |
justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull | unorderedlist
orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format | fontname fontsize
forecolor backcolor | hr removeformat symbol as value of wysiwyg.toolbar,
please see the screenshot for what I did:
After that the background colorWYSIWYG editor still does not appear. please
see the screen shot:
you give me some ideas what was wrong?
I successfully load my GWT tree view to Xwiki right side pannel(Thank you,
Marius.) I want to make it interact with WYSIWYG editor. For example, if
user highlighted one sentence from a document in the WYSIWYG editor and
clicked on one node of the GWT tree say "Argument", then it will set the
highlighted sentence's background yellow(or blue). Could you give me some
ideas how can I make the tree interact with WYSIWYG editor like that?
Thank you for your help! Really appreciate it!