> > Additionnaly, if you look into the
proposal you'll see that we will need
> > to
> > decide between 2 options for advanced input interaction : a modal dialog
> > box
> > versus a tray. Both have advantages and issues and I'd like to get
> > feedback
> > about them. The dialog box prevents interaction with background content
> > while the tray allows it : that could be useful for tables for instance.
> Does the text area keep its size when a
tray dialog apears?
> * Yes. Then the WYSIWYG needs to expand its
height. This is fine as long
> as the dialog isn't to big and client projects won't expect a fixed-height
> editor.
> * No. In this case, if the dialog is big
then the text area's height will
> be too small to be able to interact with the content while filling the
> dialog.
I'd say that the textarea keeps the same size all the time. There would be
no size issue while in full screen mode, but there indeed will be one in
usual edition mode...
> What about using both kinds of dialogs? Tray for small and
> highly-context-sensitive dialogs and movable&modal for the big ones.
That's fine with me (I was afraid it might be complicated to implement both
types). Additionaly, we need to make sure the mix of both models still
matches user expectations... I'll write a list of which type of dialog I
suggest using for each feature. Right now I'd break them down along the
following lines :
* Table edition
* Links
* Image edition
* Macro parameters edition
Modal Dialog
* Table insertion
* Macro insertion
* Image insertion
* Import
Basically, the first insertion is the time when most details are filled in
and would require a modal dialog box while subsequent editions would be done
through a tray in order to keep contextual info available... Additionally,
features that do not require insertion would use only the tray (for instance
if we implement search & replace at some point).
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc