On 29 Jan 2016 at 16:14:42, vincent(a)massol.net
(vincent@massol.net(mailto:vincent@massol.net)) wrote:
On 29 Jan 2016 at 16:13:38, Thomas Mortagne
(thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com(mailto:thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com)) wrote:
Why not in contrib ?
It could but I consider it a core service and I’d like to xwiki core dev team to maintain
it. I’m volunteering of course.
After more thinking I think you’re right and we don’t need to put it in the core.
So I remove my proposal for platform and I’m going to code this contrib.
Unless several other devs think it should go in platform...
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 4:10 PM, vincent(a)massol.net wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> We’ve suffered some spamming attacks on
xwiki.org recently and we’ve put
xwiki.org under cloudflare. This should prevent some attacks but it’s not enough and spam
is still going through.
>> I’d like to propose creating a new xwiki-platform-spam module with an API module
and a simple implementation using keyword blacklisting.
>> xwiki-platform-spam
>> |_ xwiki-platform-spam-api
>> |_ xwiki-platform-spam-simple
>> We could imagine adding an akismet implementation later on:
>> For the simple implementation, I’d like to be able to configure the keywords in
xobjects to make it simple to update and have the community helping.
>> The API would be simple:
>> @Role
>> public interface SpamChecker
>> {
>> /**
>> * Checks if the passed content is considered spam or not.
>> *
>> * @param content the content to check
>> * @param parameters a map of parameters that depends on the implementation used.
For example this can include the
>> * IP address of the submitter of the content, its email address, the date of
submission, etc
>> * @return true if the content is considered spam or false otherwise
>> */
>> boolean isSpam(Reader content, Map parameters);
>> }
>> Then the idea would be to have an EventListener for page save and comment save
and go through this API.
>> WDYT?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
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