On 8/31/07, adoro <spbrin(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I think my first assumption, that problems with loading some javascript files
were OC4J- specific (vs. Tomcat), was wrong.
You are right.
Well, there are two problems.
One is that some skin files are not parsed at all, since they are
using the wrong URL (xwiki//skins instead of xwiki/bin/skin/skins).
This is why the double quote problem appears, since
"$msg.get("fullScreenTooltip")" should actually be transformed by
velocity into a proper string.
The other problem is a bug I know about, which is system dependent.
The underlying platform does not return the proper mimetype for a
file, but instead returns null. The NullPointerException will be fixed
ASAP, but the javascript files will still be unparsed, since there is
no way to determine if the file is a javascript one or not.
I am not the specialist in parsing details, but it
seems to be a difference
in the providing parsing in Windows XP (that I use on my local computer) and
Unix/Linux platform that we use on the remote server. (?)
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