Hi devs,
Currently we have this behavior:
* simple click to select a macro
* simple click to toggle between collapsed and expanded state of a
previously selected macro
* double click to edit the macro properties
The problem is that the double click event consists, as its name
suggests, in two consecutive click events. As a consequence, when you
double click to edit a macro you also toggle its visibility state.
Besides being annoying, this can lead sometimes to an unexpected result:
----- <details> -----
I inserted a really long code macro (paste an entire Java source file).
and them selected the macro and double clicked somewhere in the middle
to edit its properties. This is what happened:
* The first click event collapsed the macro
* The second click event was not fired on the macro but on document
body, because after the macro collapsed the place where I clicked was in
the middle of nowhere. As a result the macro was unselected.
* the (logical) double click event was still fired on the macro (I guess
because the target of the first click was the macro container) and thus
the edit macro dialog opened
* I changed the macro properties and closed the dialog. As a result the
macro was duplicated. The edit dialog should have replaced the selected
macro but there was no selected macro..
----- </details> -----
Therefore I propose to use a modifier key with click to collapse/expand
a macro. I'm not sure which modifier key is the best. I think we should
choose between Alt and Meta. The behavior would become:
* simple click to select a macro
* [Alt or Meta] + simple click to toggle the collapsed and expanded state
* double click to edit
I'm +1 for Alt key.