On Apr 16, 2007, at 4:29 PM, François Déchelle wrote:
François Déchelle a écrit :
Vincent Massol a écrit :
On Apr 5, 2007, at 4:06 PM, François Déchelle wrote:
I'm currently writing this ant task to deploy
xwiki pages from
an ant build file, and I'm having trouble with the XML RPC API.
I've tried both this:
and my own task that uses a different version of Apache XML-RPC
client, and I got error HTTP 500 (internal server error) with
both version.
Any clue?
I haven't tried it yet myself so I can't really help you but I
know several users are successful in using it. I don't want to
point any finger at anyone but Christian here on this list seems
to be quite successful with it ;-)
Once someone knows how to get it to work, it would be nice to
document it on
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/XMLRPC Hello,
(was off work)
Thank you for the point.
Christian, any suggestion about how to make Xwiki XML-RPC work?
Got it! (well, almost...)
In xwiki.log, I get the following when running my ant task:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.xpn.xwiki.web.XMLRPCAction
followed by a printStackTrace()
I checked the .jar, it's true that there is no XMLRPCAction.class
Sounds like a bug to me. I see this class is defined in struts-
config.xml but as you said there's no corresponding Java class.
Do you mind filing a JIRA issue?