On 11/29/2009 03:49 PM, Cristina Scheau wrote:
Hi all!
How are you?
I apologize that I wasn't so active recently. I spent all my time with
tasks from my job and my Master.
Now I have a little bit more free time (in the evenings and weekends) and I
would like to continue the XOO project. I'm not clear what should I exactly
do next and maybe you can help me with your feedback and ideas.
I'd really like to contribute again to the XWiki software . Although I was
not so happy with the API from OpenOffice, last summer was a really
interesting experience for me.
Hi Cristina,
Welcome back, glad to see you wish to continue this project.
There are several open issues on JIRA for XOO, namely
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XCONTRIB/component/10839 .
You should first try your application on the latest version of XWiki,
see how it behaves with the newest macros, and add to JIRA any new
issues you notice.
Then, you could proceed by polishing and fixing what you already have,
followed by the addition of new features. I would like to see:
1/ improvements on the dialogs (XCONTRIB-8, XCONTRIB-9, XCONTRIB-69) --
the user's first interaction with the tool is very important; these
improvement will be of course limited by the OO API
2/ attachment handling (XCONTRIB-4)
3/ velocity macro rendering (XCONTRIB-7)
We can discuss further details about each issue you choose to attack, on
IRC and on the mailing list.
Sergiu Dumitriu