Hi devs,
Since 8.0 we have in xwiki-platform a flavor simply called "XWiki
Flavor" which contains more or less the strict minimum to have
something you can call an XWiki instance (Administration, Extension
Manager, a home page, etc.).
Since we want to promote the new Knowledge Base flavor have a
concurrent called "XWiki" is not really making it a favor so we should
probably find another name for it.
Here are some ideas:
1) "XWiki" Flavor, it's Ok after all
2) "Default" Flavor
3) "Base" Flavor
4) "Lite" Flavor
5) "Mini" Flavor
6) "Minimum" Flavor
7) "Pico" Flavor
8) <another word that means small> Flavor
I don't think keeping "XWiki" is such a great idea. Default is even worst.
I like "Lite" but might sound too much like "the very limited free
version, you are going to have advertisement in a month" theses days.
If I had to vote for only one it would be "Mini" but I'm fine with any
of the following proposals.
Thomas Mortagne