On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 18:05, Fabio Mancinelli
<fabio.mancinelli(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Dear all,
Restlet uses as its logging system the Java Logging System provided
with the JDK.
So in order to vary its verbosity it's needed to configure that system
by providing a logging.properties like the one located in the JRE/lib.
This properties file is ether passed as a system property through a -D
parameter to the JVM, or explicitly loaded and set using
In order load this configuration file I did the following: I placed a
logging.properties file in WEB-INF and loaded it in the init() method
of a subclass of the Restlet Servlet.
Now there are several possibilities wrt to where to place the
logging.properties and how to actually name it.
1) WEB-INF/logging.properties
2) The resources of the REST module
3) XWiki Core.
I am +1 for 1 (maybe we can call it java-logging.properties)
+0,5 for 1) but with a less generic name like java-logging.properties
+0 for REST module
-1 for 3)
I think the best would be to try 1) and if there is no
WEB-INF/java-logging.properties file try 2)
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Thomas Mortagne