What's the current status with:
1) Captcha support on registration?
2) Captcha support on anonymous comments?
(And by captcha I mean something more complicated than "what's 2 + 2?")
3) Sending e-mails with "thanks for registering, click link-here to
activate your account"?
4) Ability to set a SMTP server which requires username+password?
Please, there are many systems where an open smtp, even on localhost,
simply can't / won't be allowed.
5) Ability to delete all comments from a specific user?
6) ... specific IP?
7) ... specific IP range?
8) ... all anonymous comments from a page?
I saw "xwiki.plugin.captcha=" option in xwiki.cfg but it doesn't seem to
do anything?
I really can't see how XWiki can be run in "public mode" without all or
most of the above :/ , preferably enabled out-of-the-box.
Greetings, Lilianne