On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi devs,
ATM in the model module there's no ability to reference an xobject other than by
using a free form name. The problem is that this is not really usable. This is why we
introduced the BaseObjectProperty in oldcore.
However this is major PITA since we can't have clean code that create an object
reference and that doesn't depend on oldcore.
I'd like to propose the following:
* Modify ObjectProperty to add 2 named parameters: Class reference and position
* Make the name optional in EntityReference
This means that when we use an EntityReferenceResolver to resolve
"wiki:space.page^wiki2:space2.page2" we get an ObjetReference with:
* name = null
* param1: name = "classReference", value = EntityReference
* param2: name = "objectPosition", value = 0
* This is exactly what we already do for Locale (and what we'll do for Version too
probably) so it's logical to do it for Object References too
* We need to modify the Seralizers/Resolvers accordingly
* We need to modify EntityReference to support a null name
* We deprecate BaseObjectProperty
* Probably some other stuff to modify like modifying
event listeners listening on objects since it's now going to be much easier, etc
One note:
* ideally it should probably be possible to set a relative reference
for the "classReference" property (avoid having to resolve the full
class DocumentReference when 100% of the time it's for a class in the
same wiki than the object document right now)
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Thomas Mortagne